How we Help


About Us


Since 2015, Resilient Me has been at the forefront of developing and delivering exceptional workshops for education and for business. With the emphasis on developing a positive mindset and a thorough understanding of how the brain and body works, Resilient Me has inspired thousands of students and employees to want to perform at their best, and given them valuable techniques and tools that they can use every day to combat everyday stress.

Resilient Me uses a nationwide team of highly effective and engaging professional trainers, each of whom are able to deliver our workshops to groups large or small. ​We work hard for our valued clients with one end goal always in sight - to deliver strength through understanding. 

Founder and Managing Director

Rachel Munns

The story of My Resilient Family began 20 years ago when its Founder and Principal, Rachel Munns, watched a number of family members develop and suffer from mental health issues due to stress at work and at school.

Rachel asked a couple of simple questions:

Where can I go to get the right level of understanding so I can recognise and overcome the causes of stress in my own life and in my family?

What options and strategies are open to me that will actually work, and that I can sensibly fit into my busy life?

Rachel was already an experienced presenter and trainer, so used her professional and lived-experience to create ‘The Circus of Life’. This comprehensive and engaging workshop has become hugely popular in schools and businesses,and has delivered excellent benefits to all who have attended.

A follow-up workshop, ‘The Best of You’, builds on the skills learned in ‘The Circus of Life’ and has also been very successful in furthering personal development once any mental health issues have been resolved.

Rachel and her husband Tony have launched Resilient Me Online so that these proven workshops, resources and experience can be shared for the benefit of companies, educators and individual users and their families around the world.

Watch our introductory video

The background story to Resilient Me and why it was formed.